Discover Môr

The project aims to connect people with our marine world, allowing people of all ages to learn about the Ocean, increasing awareness of the amazing diversity of Pembrokeshire’s seas, and inspiring people to care about the marine environment.


Read in Welsh / Darllen yn Gymraeg
porpoise Pembrokeshire

This is such an exciting project for us. The VR Experience is an educational experience increasing access to Pembrokeshire’s marine environment. Participants are immersed in the underwater world, learning about our marine life, and gaining a new perspective on our Ocean.

Virtual Reality (VR) is an impactful tool in environmental education with many educational benefits including increased engagement, improved understanding, and increased accessibility.

We worked with JWJT Media to produce the experience, filming the awesome marine wildlife around Pembrokeshire’s coast. This included heading out to Skomer and Skokholm Islands with Celtic Deep – check them out for some incredible guided marine tours!

The VR Experience can be booked here or at the Sea Trust front desk. The VR Experience is based in our Discovery Room at Ocean Lab. The rest of the Discovery Room is free to enter (open 10am – 4:30pm) which includes microscopes, a small children’s play corner, and an educational virtual rockpooling activity – Pwll y Môr.

Pwll y Môr 

Pwll y Môr is an interactive photomosaic rockpooling software which allows you to explore Pembrokeshire’s rocky shore virtually. The Pwll y Môr software was developed by one of our volunteers – Dr Jon James. Jon became interested in marine life, particularly shore life and rockpools, and had the idea of using photomosaics to record the rocky shore habitat. 

Pwll y Môr allows people to explore and learn more about our amazing rocky shore habitats from anywhere in the world. This increases accessibility to our coast, providing everyone with the opportunity to get involved. It’s a brilliant way to learn and practice your species ID skills, whether you’re a complete rockpooling beginner, or a seasoned professional. 

Currently, we have a Pwll y Môr display in our Discovery Room, although we aim to develop the software more in the future for both citizen science and education.


Discover Môr has also allowed us to expand our Marine Biology Club. Find out more about it here!

We are still developing Discover Môr and we will have more exciting news to come throughout the year. This will include taking the VR Experience on a roadshow to local schools. Our Education & Outreach Officer Nadia, who is working on the project, is currently developing this programme. If you’d like to find out more or to be added to our Interest List, then please get in touch by emailing

Thank you to our generous funders The Waterloo Foundation and The National Lottery Community Fund.

porpoise Pembrokeshire

Discover Môr

Mae hwn yn brosiect mor gyffrous i ni. Mae’r Profiad RR yn brofiad addysgol sy’n gwella’r mynediad at amgylchedd morol Sir Benfro. Mae’r cyfranogwyr yn cael eu trochi yn y byd tanddwr, gan ddysgu am ein bywyd morol, a chael persbectif newydd ar ein Cefnfor.

Mae Realiti Rhithwir (RR) yn erfyn effeithiol ym myd addysg amgylcheddol gyda llawer o fuddion addysgol, yn cynnwys gwella cyfranogiad, dealltwriaeth a hygyrchedd.

Cydweithiom gyda JWJT Media i gynhyrchu’r profiad, gan ffilmio’r bywyd gwyllt morol anhygoel o gwmpas arfordir Sir Benfro. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys mynd allan i Ynysoedd Sgomer a Sgogwm gyda Celtic Deep – bwriwch olwg ar eu teithiau tywys morol anhygoel!

Gallwch fwcio’r Profiad RR  yma neu wrth ddesg flaen Sea Trust. Mae’r Profiad RR yn digwydd yn ein Hystafell Ddarganfod  yn Ocean Lab. Mae mynediad am ddim i weddill yr Ystafell Darganfod (ar agor 10am – 4:30pm) ac mae’n cynnwys microsgopau, cornel chwarae bach i blant, a rhith-weithgaredd addysgol yn chwilota mewn pyllau trai – Pwll y Môr.

Pwll y Môr 

Mae Pwll y Môr yn feddalwedd chwilota mewn pyllau trai ffotomosaig rhyngweithiol sy’n caniatáu i chi archwilio glan môr creigiog Sir Benfro yn rhithiol. Datblygwyd meddalwedd Pwll y Môr gan un o’n gwirfoddolwyr – Dr Jon James. Datblygodd Jon ddiddordeb mewn bywyd morol, ac yn benodol bywyd glan môr a phyllau trai, a chafodd y syniad o ddefnyddio ffotomosaig i gofnodi’r cynefin glan môr creigiog. 

Mae Pwll y Môr yn caniatáu i bobl archwilio a dysgu mwy am ein cynefinoedd glan môr creigiog anhygoel o unrhyw ran o’r byd. Mae hyn yn gwella’r hygyrchedd i’n harfordir, gan roi cyfle i bawb gymryd rhan. Mae’n ffordd wych o ddysgu ac ymarfer eich sgiliau adnabod rhywogaethau, p’un a ydych yn ddechreuwr llwyr o ran chwilota mewn pyllau trai, neu’n weithiwr proffesiynol profiadol.

Ar hyn o bryd, mae gennym arddangosfa Pwll y Môr yn ein Hystafell Ddarganfod, ond ein nod yw datblygu’r feddalwedd ymhellach yn y dyfodol er budd addysg a gwyddoniaeth dinasyddion.

Mae Discover Môr wedi caniatáu i ni ehangu ein Clwb Bioleg Forol hefyd. Cewch fwy o wybodaeth yma!

Rydym yn dal i ddatblygu Discover Môr a bydd gennym ragor o newyddion cyffrous drwy gydol y flwyddyn. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys mynd â’r Profiad RR ar sioe deithiol i ysgolion lleol. Mae ein Swyddog Addysg ac Allgymorth, Nadia, sy’n gweithio ar y prosiect, wrthi’n  datblygu’r rhaglen hon ar hyn o bryd. Os hoffech gael rhagor o wybodaeth neu gael eich ychwanegu at ein Rhestr Ddiddordeb, cysylltwch â ni drwy e-bostio

Diolch i’n harianwyr hael, Sefydliad Waterloo a Chronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol. 

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