Adopt a Porpoise

When you become a porpoise pal with Sea Trust you are directly contributing to the conservation of Pembrokeshire’s porpoises and our local marine environment.

Harbour Porpoise - Sea Trust Wales

The Harbour Porpoise

The Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) is the UK’s smallest cetacean, with an average body length of 1.5m. They are the most abundant marine mammal in UK waters and as their name suggests they often stay close to coastal areas or harbours.  As they are abundant around the coast they are the most frequently seen cetacean by whale watchers.

Because of their size harbour porpoises are extremely susceptible to threats such as bycatch, entanglement in fishing gear, pollution and disturbance. Porpoises around the world have seen sharp declines in their populations due to a number of these threats. It is so important to continuously monitor our UK porpoises, so we can avoid declines in our populations. This makes your contribution and the work we do at Sea Trust especially important. With your help we can continue our almost daily surveys of the harbour porpoises in Pembrokeshire. 

porpoise Pembrokeshire

Why adopt with Sea Trust?

At Sea Trust we are pioneers in porpoise research as one of the first to undertake a porpoise photo-ID project in the UK.  As one of only a few organisations in the world that currently undertake porpoise photo-ID, our research can provide new insight into these amazing animals.  When adopting a porpoise with Sea Trust you are directly contributing to the conservation of Pembrokeshire’s porpoises and our local marine environment. Your one off contribution will help fund our research providing vital information for the conservation of local porpoises and the preservation of their habitat.


How will your money be spent?

  • Continuing our porpoise photo-ID project.
  • Conducting land and ferry based surveys.
  • Educational workshops for schools.
  • Inspiring visitors with our aquarium tours.
  • Developing our research and future projects.
  • Publishing scientific findings.
  • Consulting on environmental assessments for marine developments
  • Advising on protective legislation

As a thank-you for your donation you will receive an adoption pack as well as regular updates about your porpoise.

What’s in the adoption pack?

An adoption certificate.
A harbour porpoise information leaflet.
A photograph and catalogue page of your porpoise.
A Sea Trust torch pen (adult pack). A porpoise cuddly toy (kids pack).
Monthly porpoise updates.
Two free tickets to the Sea Trust aquarium.

Adopt a Porpoise

One-off payment for a year subscription


*Please note in order to receive your porpoise pack for Christmas, orders must be made by 18th December 2024*

**The team are taking a break over Christmas, please note any orders between 18th December- 7th January will be processed from 8th January 2024. Apologies for any inconvenience.**