Make a one-off donation

We are a charity and rely on funding and donations to run our wildlife surveys and educational aquarium.
You can choose to donate any amount over £5.
Every little bit helps! Thank you!

Gift Aid

By signing up for Gift Aid you can give us an extra 25p on top of every £1 you’ve already given to us and it won’t cost you a penny. You can read more about gift aid below.

Please tick the box below if you are a UK taxpayer and would like Sea Trust Wales to treat all donations that you have made in the past 4 years and all donations that you make from the date of this declaration as Gift Aid donations.


Make your donations go further with Gift Aid

Through the Government’s Gift Aid scheme, Sea Trust Wales can claim an additional 25p for every £1 you donate. So if you are a UK taxpayer, you can increase the value of your donations to us by 25%, at no extra cost to yourself! Simply tick the box above to confirm your taxpayer status.

You must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax in each tax year (6 April to 5 April) at least equal to the tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs that you donate to will reclaim on your donations for that tax year (25p on every £1 you give). Please be aware that you will be responsible for any tax shortfall in the event that you have paid insufficient tax to cover the GA claimed.

Please notify us if you no longer pay sufficient tax, want to cancel this declaration, or change your name or home address.

If you pay a higher tax rate, you can claim further tax relief in your Self Assessment tax return.